Cue Sheet Editor
Formats a tab-delimited set of route data into a PDF-based cycling cue sheet in a useful format for the map cases of randonneur-style handlebar bags (two sections per printed sheet).
Instructions- As needed, export existing cue sheet from your spreadsheet program, saving it in text/TSV format. Copy/paste the contents of that file into the editor window below, or type content in directly to create a new cue sheet from scratch.
- First line of data (no tabs) will serve as document title or informational statement, repeated at the top of each section.
- Second line of data (with tabs) serves as column headers for the cue-sheet tables. Keep these short!
- Edit content as desired. Long/wrapping text may need to be placed on its own line with various number of tabs before it.
- Click "generate" button to create PDF in a new browser window.
- Save or print the generated PDF document as desired.